Monday, November 16, 2009
Dear Pop, words cannot describe the range of emotions we all feel over your departure from this life. Over the years, you have been a mentor, a father in-law, a grandfather to my daughters and a close friend. Your intentions for me were always understood, though your delivery could often leave me with a headache. My daughters were blessed to have you for a "Pop Pop." Their memories of you will always include a loving home, bright beautiful holidays, warm hugs, hot meals and an occasional trip to Knoebles. As we dab our tears, our hearts - heavy, all of us can find some solace in knowing that as you left this existence and entered the next, you were greeted, hugged and reassured by your loving son Kenny, that it was ok for you to fearlessly move on. Who can be upset at the long awaited reunion of a father and his son? We know that where you are, there is no more pain, no more illness, no more need for medications and no more being yelled at for eating the wrong stuff. We are all blessed and thankful for having been a part of your life. We all love you so much. Rest easy "Mio fratello," your work here is done. Your wonderful sons, your beautiful daughter and your loving grandchildren will carry your legacy for generations to come. With all the love in my heart, Steve