Wednesday, July 8, 2015
I came across this obituary for Charlie by chance while looking for information of your whereabouts. I/we are very sad to learn of Charlie's passing last year. I often remember the happy time we had together during our visit with Charlie to Stockholm in 1958 and the time you waited so patiently to retrieve my mother as she sat and waited to be escorted from her plane in NYC by airline personnel! She would have been 110 today! I recall you had a birthday on June 30. Erik was 60 on 14 June, Sara 50 on July 5, and Andy 55 on March 11. Annalisa 58 on November 14 (same date as Marie but 10 years difference). All well at this end. Let us resume contact/correspondence. Our friendship goes back a long way and should be nourished. Our warmest wishes to you and Chris. Bill and Marie