Wednesday, September 9, 2009
To:My Brother Rodney (Musa Bay) From: ADAY (Nathaniel Hailey) Dale and I are so sorry that we could not come up from North Carolina, Our hearts go out to you. We are very sorry to hear that Carolyn pass away in death. It is so hard to find the right words to say when some one whom you love dies, Carolyn was a good sister-n-law. Musa..,The best way that I know how to comfort you, is to let God’s word the holy Bible speak for me. Musa…The Bible tells us that there is a hope for the dead love ones. Note what is said at Job. 14:14….If a man die, shall he live again?” How would you feel if you knew that a reunion with Carolyn is possible right here on earth under the best of conditions? Well, the Bible makes the promise: “Your dead ones will live. . . . They will rise up.” Isaiah 26:19.. Yes the Bible makes it clear that God did not originally intend for humans to die. After sin and death entered the world, God revealed that it was his purpose that the dead be restored to life by means of a resurrection. Yes, Almighty God has not only the power but also the desire to resurrect persons whom he chooses. Musa..., This is not the end of Carolyn life, when Carolyn awakens in the resurrection part two of her life will begin in perfect health.. Your Brother and Sister –N- law. Nathaniel and Dale Hailey…..